Crafting the Perfect Hanko
Japanese Perfection
"Japanese craftsmanship is world-renowned for sheer perfection. Our painstaking techniques and obsession with detail are prized by every owner of our exceptional works.
Third-generation Name of Japan lives up to that coveted reputation with world-class skill and dedication to Japanese Perfection in every Hanko we make."
--Tsukino Mitsuhiro, co-owner and Certified Seal Engraver
Tsukino Mitsuhiro and Tsukino Chieko are Name of Japan co-owners and award-winning Seal Engravers. Together these masterful artists will design and carve your personal Hanko. Many of Japan's leading Temples and Shinto Shrines use Hanko created by Mitsuhiro-san and Chieko-san .
Name of Japan, based in Kamakura, crafts all-handmade, authentic Hanko name seals using thousand-year-old techniques. These exquisite keepsakes will be yours to use and treasure throughout your life.
Japanese people protect and care for their Hanko like heirlooms or family crests. Hanko reflect their heritage, reputation and spiritual tradition.
In April, 2024, Name of Japan was honored by Kamakura City as the Hanko Maker for official documents for presentation in Nice, France. Nice is Kamakura's sister city. Kamakura's mayor and vice-mayor are seen here with Mitsuhiro-san and Chieko-san.